I am tired of hearing and reading all these horse droppings about reparations for blacks. On the forefront of this discourse is of course California. The socialist government there believes its pockets are so full they want to give each Black person $360,000 for being – well Black. California even has proposed a new agency called the Freedmen Agency. This agency is being scripted by the California Reparations Task Force. Apparently, California wants to admit its sins and change the narrative. The State feels Black residents who are the descendants of slaves should be paid.  

Allow me to digress, I find it interesting that California allowed naming an agency with the word ‘men’ in the title. Since this is California (the nuttiest place on earth) shouldn’t it be Freed(insert pronoun from list below): 

[she    her     her     hers    herself 

he       him     his      his      himself 

zie      zim     zir       zis      zieself 

sie      sie      hir       hirs     hirself 

ey       em      eir       eirs     eirself 

ve       ver      vis      vers    verself 

tey      ter      tem     ters     terself 

e        em      eir       eirs     emself]. 

Yes, California officially has and uses that many self-descriptors. Talk about the land of fruits, nuts, freaks, and losers. Yes, losers. Just look at Hair Gel Gov Gavin Newsom. The poster child for birth control. Every one of them who continue to vote for morons like Newsom who has taken a once pretty nice place to live, and turned it into a third-world country are, in fact, losers.  

So back to these reparations for Black bulls****. It has been 160 years since the Emancipation Proclamation (Lincoln 1863). It has been 155 years since the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Civil Rights 1868). It has been 153 years since the 15th Amendment granting black men the right to vote. It has been 59 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We have passed through 8 generations since 1863. There is not a person alive today even remotely connected to slavery. In the past 60 or 70 years there have been countless entitlement programs, handouts, free or reduced rent, food stamps, Medicaid, outreach, affirmative action, free college tuition, as well as their own Black History Month. the list goes on and on.  

Don’t get your panties all wadded up now. I am all for Black history, heck I read it every day in the police reports. Okay, that was an uncalled for slight, but sadly that is what mostly comes up in the news. Truth is Blacks in this country have a rich and powerful history and it should be included in all history studies in schools. It is sadly true that for too many years it has been left out. But replacing true Black history and many of its heroes with critical race theory and telling White children they are inherently racist is wrong and in itself, racist. Children are not born racist. Make no difference Black or White. Children learn through observation and contrary to the BIG LIE (more on that latter), most White Americans are not racist. Yes, some reading this will say the old colonel is racist because I am against reparations. I am against throwing away billions of dollars that could be better spent elsewhere. The socialist want universal health care. Well 600 billion dollars would go a long way to that end. So, I ask, why should people who have never owned slaves pay those who have never been slaves? 

Why are Black faring no better today than 8 generations ago? Mostly because they keep voting in the same people who came from slave owners; DEMOCRATS!!! Yes, the democrats have not changed their views of blacks since the slave days and continue to want to control their lives. It was Southern democrats who fought against the Emancipation Proclamation. It was Southern democrats who started the KKK. Up until a few years ago we had members of the KKK serving in Congress and still may have for all anyone knows and you can bet your buttons they belong to the democrat party. And it was Democrats that pushed to keep segregation.  

Now if there are any reparations to be paid, I suggest that the money come directly from every registered democrat. After all they are the ones pushing this agenda. Leave the rest of us out of the narrative. No one in my family tree had anything to do with slavery other than fighting and dying while fighting for the North to end slavery. Hells bells, I think I should get reparations for the loss of family fighting the cause. Money should also come from Africa; it was African tribal leaders who captured and sold their own kind into slavery. Or how about the English who shipped them here? 

If reparations are not enough. A critical race theorist and pretend professor, Angel Jones, who is a visiting professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville whose work is stranded in the science fiction of critical race theory and critical race feminism is demanding that Black people should get special paid bereavement leave and counseling services in order to deal with issues relating to systemic racism. Of course, there is no time limit set to the amount of leave blacks could take. Sure, this is going to help them, NOT!  

For those who find the BIG Lie assertion too vociferous, perhaps they can make the socialist connection. In Mein Kampf, Aldof Hitler also wrote of his National Socialist party, “The party … must not become a servant of the masses, but their master.” With respect to the socialist state and individual Liberty, he wrote, “The unity of a nation’s spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of the interests of the individual.” 

Hitler’s regime was founded on his premise, “We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system … and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” 

His propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, affirmed, “To be a socialist is to submit the ‘I’ to the ‘thou’; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.” So, when it comes down to it Democrats come from the same lineage as the Nazis. They are in fact Fascists. ANTIFA and BLM are in fact the Fascist Brown Shirts of the American Democratic Socialist Party whose goal is to destroy this republic and replace it with their brand of socialism which as in Soviet Russia, North Korea, Venezuela has only two classes of citizens. The elite and the workers who support the elite through – well slavery. 


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